DIY Double Plant Hanger Kit
Yes, you can make one yourself! This kit is even fit for beginners as it features just three knot styles!
In this kit you'll find
• All cord needed and cut to length.
• Beads and a metal ring.
• Step by step instructions and an illustrated knot guide.
All you'll need is a pair of scissors and a way to measure.
Finished plant hanger will hold a 4" pot in the top portion and a 6" pot in the bottom portion.
The Mystery option is going to be a random color that is NOT one of the color options listed!
Time needed based on skill level:
Experienced: Approx. 30-45 mins.
Intermediate: Approx. 60 mins.
Beginner: Approx 90 -120 mins.
*** This is for the sale of a kit that provides you with the materials to create a project on your own. This is not for the sale of a finished, ready to use, product ***